Creating a Brighter Future
for Hoosier Families

Parents are the key to unlocking a child’s potential

Parents and guardians are the most impactful commodity that students have, and they have the deepest insight into their child’s unique needs. We believe that motivated parents are what the education system desperately needs to create well-adjusted students who love learning.

Students with motivated parents who are working with educators will be more successful and more satisfied with their education. Our goal is to create generations of life-long learners by reorienting the educational paradigm to promote student success. We think that allowing parents to direct the educational resources set aside for their children will directly benefit students and educators.

We believe that parents are in the best position to make the right decisions for their students.

Our Petition

We humbly petition the Indiana State Legislature to create a universal, versatile, parent-owned Education Savings Account (ESA) program. This program would provide families with the financial resources to access a wide array of educational opportunities and services, creating a more competitive and accountable educational marketplace and ensuring that every child in Indiana has the chance to thrive.

Our Proposal

We propose the following key features for the ESA program:

  1. Parental Ownership: Each account should be owned and controlled by the parent or guardian of the beneficiary student. This reaffirms our commitment to parental empowerment in educational decisions.

  2. Flexible Spending: The funds in these accounts should be usable for a comprehensive range of education-related expenses. This includes tuition for private, homeschooling materials, online learning programs, special education services and therapies, textbooks, standardized test fees, extracurricular activities and child care services.

  3. Accountability: To ensure quality and continuous learning, we propose that students participating in the ESA program must meet certain educational benchmarks. They should either pass a standardized test or undergo an assessment with a licensed teacher in order to remain in the program.

  4. Rollover to 529 Plan: Any unspent funds in an ESA by the time a child graduates from high school should be transferable to a 529 college savings account. This would provide a valuable head start for families saving for post-secondary education expenses.

  5. Universality: We believe that every child should have the chance to benefit from this program. As such, we propose that every child who is currently eligible for the voucher program, as well as those who will become eligible in the future, should also be eligible for this ESA program.

We trust that you, our elected representatives, will consider our request with the seriousness it deserves. The future of Indiana's children is in your hands.

Please join us in our commitment to enhance the educational opportunities and outcomes in our beloved state.

Sign the Petition

Show your support for our movement and sign the petition!